Who are you in school life? (1)

Who are you in school life? (1)

Do you wonder what category you fit into in school? Well in my school there are 4 very different guys that I think are in most schools, so you most likely will too. (You migth have noticed there was one of these for girls too but this one is just for guys) Good luck! p.s. i did have help from a guy so dont just blow the answer off with she's a girl what does she know?

published on August 26, 2013

Another guy challenges you to a fight, what do you do?

Another guy challenges you to a fight, what do you do?
Beat him up!
Try to reason with him
Explode in his face and throw a tantrum
Say mean stuff to him until he backs down from embarrassment

How many girlfriends/ boyfriends (if you're gay or bi) have you had?

How many girlfriends/ boyfriends (if you're gay or bi) have you had?
Too many to count!!!
2 or 3
None, I'm warming up to my crush though!
5 or 6, nothing serious though, except for one

Do you have a crush?

Do you have a crush?
Yeah but she/ he hates me or doesn't know I'm alive
Yea, well we just broke up, but I have my eye on another
Every hot girl/ guy in the world!
Yeah she's hot and laid-back

What do you want to be?

Comedian, actor, musician, etc.
Computer guy, engineer, etc.
Anything with math or science (maybe an accountant)
I don't know...

What type of party would you throw?

What type of party would you throw?
What party? I have no friends remember?
Dance party for all my friends and every hot girl/ guy I know
Movie night at my mansion then all my guy friends just chill
Sleep over at my place with all my friends, girls and guys

What would you do if your crush came up to you?

Crack a funny joke
Flash my amazing smile and show off my body and talk about loooove
Smile and chat for a while
Like she would, but I would help her with her homework

How much do you game?

How much do you game?
A ton and I mean A TON!
Some but not every day
Never! Well maybe once or twice...
I'm too busy studying to play games

Do you play sports?

Do you play sports?
Yeah I'm a TOTAL jock!
I don't play officially but I'm very athletic
Yeah a few

How do you think this test will turn out?

Class clown
In between/ none of the above

How many friends do you have?

How many friends do you have?
The perfect amount: not too many
A lot! Not many in school but tons out
1 maybe 2
Yeah I'm the cool guy!