Quiz Of Randomness!! (2) I saw that u guys liked my other random quiz so here you peepz go! AENJOAY! Mary_chan published on August 14, 2013 Stacked 1/5 elephants or ketchup.. or both? why u no like selena gomez? MUSTARD!!! xO ketchup.. elephants duh. I like both actually.. 2/5 mew mew mew.. how are you? peachy keen jelly bean! nya nya... good you? ooooh gewd vury gewd im doing ok??? horrible... :C 3/5 do you like fruit?^^ umm ya I guess...? EWW YUCK... GIMMEEE SWEETS!!! yup its good! not really nope 4/5 OMERGAWD ITS JERSTAN BERBER!!!! ohmergawd were?! *ack* I hate jb.. *rolls eyes* hehehe*takes out camera* gross... cool? 5/5 I like your shirt! :3 I like yout bewbs ;D why thank yhu! I know... its awesome isn't it? you too thanks?