Are you random? (3) Hello amazing people! Are you random or just not in the mood? Well you can find out on this quiz!!!! helloamazingpeople published on August 05, 2013 Stacked 1/6 How do you feel about donuts? I LOOOVE THEM! I WANT TO NOM THEM ALL UP! NOM NOM NOM! I like donuts! They are yummy! I am not in the mood 2/6 Tacos? TACOOOOS! Yummy! Seriously? You are so immature! ME: Touchy 3/6 Ok, here is a serious question. Why do--- NYAN CAT! NYAN CAT IS AWESOME! I have seen it a few times, it is kind of funny but gets annoying Is that another mindless video? I wish I never clicked on this quiz! ME: Calm down, your making nyan cat sad 4/6 Bapple! DESPICABLE MEEE! Is that from one of the minion videos? LOL Grrr! I am leaving *walks out* ME: DON'T LEAVE! 5/6 CHOCOLATE! Chocolate... seriously? Chocolate is- AWESOME! I love chocolate! Nom Nom Nom! Oh my god, you are so annoying! ME: I thought you left 6/6 Ok, last question. How do you feel about politics? Just kidding! Phew! For a second I thought you weren't RANDOM! you are a random person ME: I know :) Why am I still here?