Which Hollywood Undead Member Are You? these dudes have some serious talent!! if your a fan of these guys take this quiz if your not... take it anyways!!! lol just kidding.. you don't have to XD ENJOY!~ Mary_chan published on August 02, 2013 Stacked 1/6 How are you? im fine.. stupid.. (me: whatever.. no need to be a jerk) Better since I've seen you *flirts* (Me: umm.. no.) terrible.. and getting worse (Me: *hugs* I'm sorry.) why would I tell you.. *rolls eyes* (me: fine, don't tell me..) HOW ARE U. (me: <.<) neutral good 2/6 What is your favorite animal? you. (me: will you knock it off..) *silence* umm dogs.. I guess.. kitties! bunnies I like all animals other~~ 3/6 Are you a nerd? umm... I don't know I never thought about it.. *nods* umm h*ll no suuure *winks* no yeah bro 4/6 What are you looking at? :O your boobs *giggles* (me: >:O *slaps*) I don't know.. I just space out sometimes.. i'm sorry. im not telling you *looks perverted* (me: ugh *rolls eyes*) Your pretty eyes *smiles* (me: thanks!) EVERYTHING.. MWAHAHAHAAHHA (me: o___0) * is wearing sunglasses* *silence* your mom.. 5/6 Who's your favorite character? Johnny 3 tears Da Kurlzz Danny Charlie Scene Funny Man Deuce J Dog 6/6 ok i'm gonna ask you random questions.. that have NOTHING to do with this ok.. are you ok with that?? >.> *silence* umm whatever.. no as if I had a choice -___- *derp* o___o *erm* sure? haha I don't care