What WindClan Cat are you? Onestar, Nightcloud, Breezepelt.. there are so many to be like! StarClan will honor your courage! (Follow me) ellotherelove published on September 04, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Mistystar is attacking you! You- Pounce on her Surprise her Get help 2/5 Pick a rondom word Ooogie boogie Neh 3/5 If there is a badger coming you: Adress the clan Attack it Hide 4/5 Rock-n-roll or romantic? Rock n roll Romantic Country romance like that 'we will only have tonight, till the morning sun goes by, all night turn the music low, and sway to the rhythm of love'. 5/5 Are you light, dark, or in-between? Light Dark In-between