does your crush like you? (4)

what to know if you crush likes you or not? nice to know if your crush loves you or is just hitting on you for attention

published on September 15, 2014

do you think he likes you?

why are you asking this of course he does
sadly no
kind of

does he make an excuse of touching you

no not relly
yes he or she like touches me every single day,by now it is normal
no he stays like thrree feet away from me

do hear his/her friends talk about you

yes all the time
never really
sometimes but it is usually because they like my other friends

does he stare at you a lot, like a lot

no, not at all, he only looks at me when he or she s talking
sometimes, usually just a cuinsedence
usually, not always
of course!

did you answer this quiz truthfully
