what should you have if you take this quiz you will find out what car suits you the most with your personality.. hope you guys like this quiz:) jenaxoxo published on July 31, 2013 Stacked 1/10 what do you like to do in your spare time party play video games hangout with friends shopping with friends 2/10 have you ever had a car yes no way yes I have NOO MHHM 3/10 how many friends do you have 2-4 4-6 6+ 4/10 last question.. are you popular yes I have a whole bunch of friends and im rich no well kinda I have a lot of friends but im not like rich., sorta 5/10 if your parents got you a car for your birthday what would you want it to be ferrari punch buggy limo mustang 6/10 are you outgoing kinda yes tots not really why are you asking me that omg yes all the way 7/10 what is your fav. color orange pink purple yellow silver grey black green white 8/10 how big do you want a car really big 4 seats 2 seats four doors small 2 doors 9/10 are you... spoiled with money happy with money have money but not alot kinda rich but not. 10/10 how old are you 12-15 15-20 20-30 30+