What horse are you? (3) Find out exactly what you would be like if you were a horse. For example: how old you are, what you look like, what breed you are, how tall you are, and what is you best skill! pipertoo published on November 21, 2013 Stacked 1/6 A young foal gets sick and cannot move for a couple days. Rumor has it that a band of cowboys are coming north to where you are. what do you do? Leave the foal, one foal for a whole herd is a price im willing to pay. Stay with the sick foal. After all these are just rumors I am the foal, dont leave me! leave your whole herd at night and run from the choices stay with the foal for as possible, if a scent of a cowboy drifts on the wind we have to leave it 2/6 you are finding your mother, the scent of a mountain lion crosses the path of her hooves. what do you do? I put my brave face on and charge forwards looking for her She is gone, I will let go, and stay with the herd I continue cautiously I cant do it, as soon as i smell that i run! Frown, and leap along the path. You need your mother 3/6 Your leg is bleeding and broken every step sends flaring pain through you. You need to keep traveling and moving your heard to warmer climates with more food, but your herd needs a leader, what do you do? There is a horse in the herd who can take my place, I have served well, and now i make the sacrafice. make the herd wait for me, if anyone attacks i will make them defend me fall behind, the herd will stay and protect me stop for a moment then continue on get my herd as far as possible, and as safe as they can be. Then apponiet a responisabe horse to take your place 4/6 You are the leader of your herd and all the food in your area has vanished due to a drought. For all you know there is food in a 3 weeks jounrey that belongs to no herd, but your herd may not make it that long. there are also 5 new foals that ill surely die. what do you do? Invade the neighboring herd, challenging their leader and sending the herds in battle. Take the risk of traveling to the other source. There may even be some food closer I would never be leader anyway, I would follow the leaders choice Sneak into the other herds territory and graze ratitonaly Our herd has an ally farther north 5/6 A loner wants to join your herd, you are not leader but your do have a say, what is it? scream "go away!" and chase them away, if they refuse,kill! warn them with a glare and force them to leave slink away into the saftey of the middle, I leave this decison to the leader accept them in with joy and appoint them a high ranking accept them and see how they react in the herd 6/6 If you were appointed the option of leading a herd, and knowing that anything that what happens to the herd of 200 horse is your fault would you take it? YES! is there anything else i can do? Ill just stick to the corners RAINBOWS!!!! noooo!!!!