what kind of animal are you?? if you take this quiz you will find out what animal represents your personality the most jenaxoxo published on July 31, 2013 Stacked 1/7 do you; feel strong, or are strong?? always feel like you want to go to sleep?? always have peoples attention?? feel lazy alot have a lot of friends feel like you can do a lot at a time 2/7 what color are your eyes hazel blue brown green 3/7 what's your fav. color? orange and black blue green yellow orange 4/7 what do you usually eat; take-out (fast food) meat. home cooked meals microwave meals hunt for own food grow your veggies and fruit 5/7 what's your most fav. thing to do in the summer,; hang out with friends most of the time lay on the couch and watch T.V. explore your back yard, the woods etc. go on the computer go to family reunions doing sports, 6/7 who do you hang out with the popular kids the jocks the normal kids.. the `losers` no one some people but not alot 7/7 what is your highest mark in the past year of school. or this year; 65-75 70-80 90-100 50-60 below 50