Which chocolate box girl is most like you ?

Which chocolate box girl is most like you ?

Ever been lost in one of cathy cassidys amazing chocolate box series and wondered.. which one matches your personality and style the most take this quiz to determine which chocolate box girl is more you ...

published on July 30, 201319 responses 3
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what is your dream occupation ?

what is your dream occupation ?
prima ballerina
actress or model
interior designer
a writer

what is your type of style?

vintage , boho
cool cartoon prints
mini skirts and bright lipstick
perfect leotards and pink pretty outfits
tomboy , jeans tshirts

what would your Ideal party be ?

boys , booze all the latest music and every person within the 5 mile radius
vintage dresses themed
leotards and dance battles
beautiful Japanese decorations and soft guitar music
animals and plotting to save the world

your friends describe you as :

powerful determined , never give up
daydreamer , cool and laidback
beautiful , arty and sensitive
big dreams and ideas thoughtful
imaginative lost in a world of fantasy and fun

what would your ideal boy be ?

understanding, witty and strong
cool,relaxed lost in a world of animal and nature
gorgeous , and always up for a great time
good looking , more like a best friend , always there to comfort you when youre sad or lonely
has a lot in common , friendly and supportive

finally,what is your favourite sweet
(you know the one you cant resist) ?

chocolate and cherries
warm vanilla and sweet marshmallows
dreamy strawberry and cream truffles
rich chocolate cream eclairs that make your mouth water
hot chocolate and sticky rich caramel