What rainforest thing are u? What rainforest thing are you? Take this quiz to find out! There are a lot of creatures in the rainforest... ellotherelove published on August 30, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Which color is most inspirational? Blue All of them Rainbow Copper Other 2/5 What warrior name do you like? Anacondatail- it sounds mysterious Butterflywing- it's a big hit Crocodilefang- they'd be begging for more Kestrelfeather Piranhabelly 3/5 Your cool true or false False true 4/5 Your proud true or false? True Falsey-poo 5/5 What do you like to do? Examine the plants around me. They give me inspiration to create something new. I go for a little swim and meet my friends. We like to hang out and talk about the latest gossip. I go to a shady spot and hang out with my friends, listening to the rock-and-roll music of the forest I like to look at how beautiful the rainforest is. All of the above?