Which of my friend's are you?? Take this awesome quiz of mine to determine who you are just like from my friendship group! Maybe you are like me?? Let's find out! Little.Blue published on August 01, 2013 Stacked 1/10 You notice that your friend has food in their mouth... you... "Um, you have a little something on your tooth there.." Don't tell them, it'll be funnier when someone else notices. Laugh and nudge your other friend, but eventually tell them. Tell them straight away, you don't want them to be embarrassed. 2/10 Your in P.E, playing Rugby on the field... your friend slips, and falls in the mud. You... Laugh uncontrollably to the point where you can't breathe, and fall about on the ground beating your fists in hysteria. You stagger about in fits of laug... Laugh, and joke about it for the rest of the lesson, but drag her along with you out of the mud. Accidentally-on-purpose fall into the mud too, so you can BOTH get out of P.E. 3/10 A group of bullies are approaching, and they make an unkind comment about your appearance. What do you do? Look down at your feet awkwardly, and say nothing, but think; *Karma will get them, karma will get them* "Fortunately, I can get plastic surgery, shame your Daddy's big wallet can't buy you a brain!" Roll your eyes, and retort back: "Your only describing yourself. I guess you got bored of making birds fall out of trees, so your here. Is that it? Sigh, and mumble under your breath; "morons.." 4/10 A mean teacher unreasonably sends you out of the classroom. How do you react? Roll your eyes, and grin at your friend, but go anyway, after all, you don't want to cause any more trouble. Stand up, and leave the room immediately in silence. Begin stating why this is unfair, and that you didn't do anything wrong. 5/10 Your teacher is absent, thus meaning you have a supply teacher for the lesson, so you... Sit with your friend, Lol... Act as if you would with your regular teacher. Why should I treat them any differently? Take this as an opportunity to whisper and joke to your friends the entire lesson, but make sure you don't get caught. Behave immaculately, and become their pet, so they will report back positively to your teacher, but don't be a suck up. 6/10 Your in Science, and the teacher asks you to demonstrate the dissection of a rat. Do you... Wrinkle your nostrils in disgust, "Um..no thanks" Do as your told, but breathe through your mouth. Walk confidently to the front of the room, take a deep breath, and dissect it to the best of your ability. After all, it's for Science. 7/10 It's break time. Your friends want to go to hang out in the Cafeteria, but you want to go to the Library, where do you go?? Moan a little, but follow them anyway, you don't want to seem like a loner. Turn away from them, grinning, and start making your way to the Library, you know they will follow anyway. Stride off to the Library fearlessly and confidently, friends or no friends. Go to the Library, I'm no sheep! 8/10 Your favourite Author is doing a Meet 'N Greet at your local bookshop, but only for 1 day. It's a school day.. Squeeze your friends arm really hard, and go on and on about how much you love their books. "OMGOMGOMG, we HAVE to go!" "Right. After school, straight away. Who's coming with me?" 9/10 Your bored in class, to pass the time you decide to... Make faces at your friend to try to make them laugh. Doodle quietly in your book. Pass notes to your friends. 10/10 It's your Birthday. What do you ask for? Omg, can you get me a new MIFFY?! Ooooh, and some more of those yummy Lindt chocolates? And PLEEAAAASE can I have the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book? Se... "Lets see... I need some new paint brushes and modelling clay.." "The usual, books and stationery.. wait- can I have some new Vampire stuff?? Oh, and how about that new Jessie J album I've been NEEDING? Please."