Are you a girly girl ?

Are you a girly girl ?

are you girly girl or a total tomboy ? girls only and please answer truthfully thanks x

published on July 26, 2013

Dream hol... (choose closest)

Girls week in Spain...partys every night
Some cheap camp site with a few lads
Work trip to new Zeeland
America ! but going to a few *dirty* clubs with the guys
camping trip with your guy friends...but get nails done first obvs !

Fave colours... (choose closest)

Pink and neon
Blue and brown
lilac and green
Red and Orange
Brown and purple

what would your perfect first date be... (choose closest)

just at the cinema
A DATE !? like with boys !? wt...
A long romantic walk at the beach or park with a picnic and finished of with a sweet kiss on the river bank
A romantic meal...and a trip to a football match
Alton towers

Fave sports... (choose closest)

Netball and dancing
football and rugby
Swimming and tennis
Dancing and tennis
Football and swimming

Fave animals... (choose closest)

Kittens and puppies (or cat n dogs)
Shark and bear
Horse and Snake
Rabbit/guinnie pig/hamster and scorpion
Rat and chinchilla

Fave outfit... (choose closest)

A short dress with heels / some cute skinny jeans and a crop top with flats
Baggy jeans and a top with a designer/band logo top
Three quarter length jeans,floral pumps and a cute tee
Skinny jeans,a scruffy top and old trainers
Scruffy and baggy jeans,gladiator sandles and a cute designer top

do you wear make up... (choose closest)

Sometimes at special occasions
NO ! Never
A bit of lip gloss and eye liner now and then
sometimes, but not by my choice my mum/friends/sister tells me to
Yeah when ever I can

and I have the works...
lip gloss/stick
eye liner
you get the point ...

Pick your fave... (choose closest)

:) (smily face)
;) (winkin face)
<3 (this one is ment to be a side ways heart)
:P (likin out tounge)
;p (winkin and likin out tounge)

Fave hair style... (choose closest)

Just left down (kinda messy and greesy) ergh !
Curled or straightned with a small quif and a little flower or bow
Just in a neat braid
Just tied up in a braid,but its kinda greesy and I didn't use a brush so its scruffy too with a pink head band
Just down but has been brushed

Where do you see yourself at 25... (choose closest)

Planning your wedding with your perfect guy...and expecting. Shorty after moving into your amazing new home and adopting some animals. You have also landed y...
Probs workin at KFC,still livin at home cuz I cant afford my own place
Tranin for my dream job,but still livin at home
Enaged ! but no job, and not much money eek !
No job no boyf but planning a girls hol !