Which Character from EVER AFTER HIGH ARE YOU?

Which Character from EVER AFTER HIGH ARE YOU?

Sooo, this is a quiz/test to help you find your true inner fairy tale character!

published on July 26, 2013

Final Question: Who's your ideal prince?

Final Question: Who's your ideal prince?
Daring Charming!
Hunter Huntsman!
Hmm.. Hopper is ok
I don't like dating!
No-one's good for me soo no-one

If you were stuck in a building, what would you do?

I would scream for my prince, duh!
Jump out the window!
Cast a spell to carry myself away
Drink tea and think of a solution
Throw a shoe out the window to get attention

If you could have a Best Friend Forever After, who would it be?

If you could have a Best Friend Forever After, who would it be?
Madeline Hatter!
Apple White and Briar Beauty!
Apple White!
Briar Beauty!
Raven Queen!

What is your favorite colour?

Light Blue
Minty Blue, Purple and Green

What is your favorite class?

What is your favorite class?
Kingdom Management
I don't know yet!
Nature Walks
Rock Climbing!
If there was a Tea Class, then that would be Tea-Tastic!