Should You Get A Cat Or A Dog? Can't decide if you want a cat or a dog? Figure out which one best suits you with this quiz! pikaaa published on May 28, 2011 Stacked 1/6 you don't mind.... bad smells loud noises 2/6 you don't like.... CATS!!!!! ;0 DOGS!!!!! ;0 3/6 you wouldn't mind/like a pet who is.... loyal/clumsy [sometimes] grumpy/caring 4/6 You are a cat/dog. A mean human [burglar] sneaks into your house at night. To defend your humans, you... scratch the intruders! bite the intruders! 5/6 you would rather....with your pet. run around nap 6/6 You would rather have a pet that... eats a lot! doesn't eat very much....