Who are you in my story, "Harry's...um...SISTER?!" ? This quiz is made for those who read my Harry Potter fanfiction! :) I love all my readers to death, so I made this! Peace! BTW, the picture is Vanessa GlowingAndFading published on July 23, 2013 Stacked 1/10 Favorite Color? *dodges spell* Neon anything Red Gold Blue Purple 2/10 Favorite food on this list? Vegetarian 4ever! ICE CREAM! Anything Something other than Hermione's fish! )X Treacle Tart 3/10 The sorting hat debated to put you in which house? (NOT THE ONE YOU ENDED UP IN!) Slytherin but I refused Slytherin but I almost killed it Ravenclaw but it decided against it Hufflepuff and I agreed but it said no Ravenclaw but it said I'm more like my family 4/10 What is your dream hair color? Ginger w/ gold streaks Ginger Rainbow Brown Black 5/10 How do you say "Hi" ? Sup! Hi! Hey Hello! Hey person:) 6/10 Favorite Spongebob character? I don't watch TV Patrick Squidward Spongebob! Mr. Krabs 7/10 Best Harry Potter friend? (Sorry if this is too obvious!) Harry and Hermione!! Ron and Harry! Ron and Hermione! Tally! Vanessa! 8/10 What is your Patronus? An eagle A wolf A stag A dog A badger 9/10 What do you think Voldemort would say about you? (Sorry about the picture I'm lazy!) A promising future death eater Avada Kedevra The power [insert name] has is better than the Elder Wand Peasant Bright yet oh-so stupid 10/10 Title/Name? The Powerful Little Redhead The Rebel The King The Chosen One The Brightest Witch