Canine Or Feline? Are you a cat or a dog? Hmmm??? LALA I HATE WORD LIMITS!! LALala Um, I really hate word limits. Miss.Red published on July 20, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Do you have a pet: Cat Dog Neither NeItHeR 2/5 Wood you prefer to: Chase a squirrel? Chase a mouse and eat it? 3/5 Would you rather eat: Fish BACONBACONBACON Tuna Steak KittyNibble DoggyChow 4/5 Are you ticklish? (Yes, I asked that) Umm, not comfortable telling you this... Ya, I am, I enjoy it! I also LUV tummy rubs Yes, but its a curse... I lUV TUMMY RUBS!!!! DOES THAT COUNT FOR NO?!?! 5/5 Are you hyper alot? Sometimes, but I'd rather keep it on down low. HmmmIThinkSo!HUHWHATDOYOUTHINK!?!HUH!HUH!!!! (Yes, yes u are)