Who Are You from the Heroes of Olympus Series? Who are you from the heroes of olympus? We have from Bob the lama to Octavian! Who ARE you? KnownAsRome published on July 18, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Time for Versus! Pick the one you want. Rome vs. Greece Porphriyon vs. Polybitese Athena vs. Posiedon Ground vs. Sky Animals vs. water Shaggy hair vs. no hair To be evil vs. not to be evil Love vs. revenge Fire vs. Family 2/5 What is your favorite color? Blue Green Silver The color of the praetor toga I'm color blind Gold Sky Blue Pink! Red! 3/5 Which is your favorite pairing? Percabeth (PercyxAnnabeth) Jasper (JasonxPiper) Frazel (FrankxHazel) Leyna (LeoxReyna) Liper (LeoxPiper) Jannabeth (AnnabethxJason) Octob (OctavianxBob) Lazel (HazelxLeo) 4/5 Which book title do you like the best? The Lost Hero The Son of Neptune The Mark of Athena The House of Hades 5/5 Which Powers would you rather have? Water Flame Gems Shape-Shifting Spitting (Don't ask...) Futuristic Smarts Wind Charm-Speak