what wolf spirit are you? find out what wolf you are and see for your self so go take my quiz just to see dream wolf, earth wolf death wolf water wolf fire wolf or harmany wolf wolfgirl published on July 16, 2013 Stacked 1/6 what color would your pelt be? gold yellow like the sun dark as night pink and green silver 2/6 what is your style of being the leader to a clan leave them to ie thell just get in the way me-o.o remind me never to be in your clan have a strong heart and think befor going into battle rush to get things done 3/6 if a wounded warrior was in your paws what would you do? leave him to die heal just get in the way me-o.o I DONT HAVE TIME! help him home 4/6 what is your faverate color really? your asking me that me-yes really -.- pink red blue gray 5/6 elimant? water fire earth death 6/6 if you hade to leave the one you love most in the world for ever to save 100 lives stay i love him/her too mutch to leave even for 100 lives leave i half to be brave 1oo dreds could die if i dont do this