WHAT YOU WOULD LOOK LIKE AS A WOLF This is my quiz its about wolves. Pick answers and discover what you would look like as a wolf or a pup.(no nerds) dannyphantom101 published on July 13, 2013 Stacked 1/5 whats your fav food burgers bacon chicken just about anything fish anything at a bbq 2/5 WHAT IS YOU FAV TYPE OF WEATHER RAINY SUNNY SNOWY CLOUDY COLD HOT 3/5 do you hunt grrr no i will never hunt YES YES YES no thank you if my darling desires it. 4/5 what is your hobbie art playing cards making jewelry hanging with friends absolutely nothing OMG i don't know where to start. 5/5 what is your fav colorthis is the last question red blue i love all the colors black red and blue purple pink and blue none of the above