MY LITTLE PONY CHARACTER QUIZ Find out the character to who you look like more! Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie or Rarity? Answer at the questions to know it! anonymus_123 published on July 11, 2013 Stacked 1/9 What's your favorite color? Violet Blue Orange Yellow Pink White 2/9 What's your favourite season? WINTERIt's time to wear dresses for Christmas! FIRST SPRINGAnimals end up hibernating LATE SPRINGIt's time to pick apples SUMMER HOLIDAYI can play with my friends LATE SUMMERDiving competition! AUTUMNIt's time to study! 3/9 What's your favorite fruit? Strawberry Apple Peach Watermelon Orange Lemon 4/9 What's your favorite subject? P.E./ Physical Education Library/ Literature Music Art Design Drama Cooking Science 5/9 What's your favorite animal? Bunny Dog Turtle Dragon Cat Crocodile 6/9 In what location do you want to live? In a big city with so many shops In a wood with animals In a library! In a house at the beach In a cloud in the sky In countryside with many apple trees 7/9 What type of pony are you? A speed Pegasus Pony A delicate Pegasus Pony A beautiful Unicorn Pony A studios Unicorn Pony A strong Earth Pony A funny Earth Pony 8/9 Which of these magical elements are your favorite? Fire Water Wind Earth Electricity Cold and Ice 9/9 What do you most like? Apples Speed Beautiful Magic Smile Animals