What's your summer fun! It's summer time, and everyone is having a good day. But what is the best thing for you to do in summer? Find out right here, right now! CadburyChocolate published on July 10, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Are you good at art? Yeah! It's my best subject! I'm not that bad... Yuck yuck yuck! I hate all that smarty arty rubbish! 2/7 What's your idea of a perfect party? A splash at the local swimming pool! A garden party where all you can do is dance the night away... Decorating cupcakes A craft party. Awesome! 3/7 Can you play a musical instrument? Yes! No.... 4/7 Can you cook? Yessss! I love cooking! I s'pose it's not to bad... Yuck! Cooking? Never! 5/7 Which describes you better? Active and loves exercise! Calm and cool, but prefers to just chill... 6/7 What do you most dislike about summer? When the sun dries out the food that I've worked hard on! When peoplpe get so hyper - active, that they ruin my hard work. When nobody wants to listen to music that I like When I'm the only one that wants to go in the pool. 7/7 Can you swim? Yeah! It's my favourite thing to do! Yeah, but I can do other stuff. No!!!!