Are you a good best friend?

Are you a good best friend?

Hey guys! I know I haven't made a quiz in a while so I made this. leave suggustions below! don't forget to rate rate me and follow! see ya!

published on July 08, 201378 responses 17
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how much time to you 2 spend together

how much time to you 2 spend together
EVERY SECOND WE CAN!! in a non girlfriend boyfriend way.
idk once a month
a few times a week

do you know your best friends birthday?

do you know your best friends birthday?
yes... I mean no.... um give me a minute... um....
I don't care. wht does it matter?
yep!!! no doubt about it!

Your friend is getting bullied at school. you:

Your friend is getting bullied at school. you:
Kick the bully's BUTT!!!! UNTIL HE STARTS A CRYEN'
let her/him deal with it.
tell him/her to talk to a teacher or parent

Why are you taking this Q U I Z? (I could write the full word )

Why are you taking this Q U I Z?  (I could write the full word )
cuz I wanna see if I good bff or not. I wanna change if imam bad 1
for fun. I know im a good friend :)))
im bored.

do you and your friend get jelous about each other?

do you and your friend get jelous about each other?
NO WAY!!.... well sometimes
uh YA!

It's your best friends b-day and he/she sees an awesome designer top/ headset its 50 bucks and your friends luvs them. you:

It's your best friends b-day and he/she sees an awesome designer top/ headset its 50 bucks and your friends luvs them. you:
Buy it. its her/his birthday.... plus I did get anything last year
buy it? no way I aint spenden' no money on her!/him!
Heck ya! b-day or no b-day

do you tell the truth to your best friend? HONESTLY!

do you tell the truth to your best friend? HONESTLY!