What Despicable Me Character are you most like? Here, you can learn what Despicable Me Character you are most like. Enjoy! badoingching published on July 08, 2013 Stacked 1/8 How do people think of you? Evil. . .-I wish Cute Nerdy Impulsive Mature,Smart and Responsible Yellow Fat. . .Thats with a 'PH' in my perspective 2/8 What action do you regret the most in your life? Not trusting my family Giving Ms. Hattie a mud pie Letting my sister break my unicorn toy Eating all those Doritos last night...ughhh Putting business before my children Banging my head with a hammer- ouch 3/8 Describe yourself. What do you look like? Short with black hair, overalls, and a unicorn doll Tall with brown hair, brown glasses, a jacket, and a skirt. Bald and tall, with a scarf and preference for black clothing. Blonde Hair under a pink hat with a pink matching sweater. Brown hair, square glasses, and orange pyjamas- I mean jumpsuit. Always in my worksuit and goggles. 4/8 Schools out! What do you do? Look over my report card and take note of things to work on. Turn somersaults in the schoolyard for my friends Shoot my teacher with a FREEZE RAY! So much for a warm summer! Eat popcorn and play Call of Duty. Ask the unicorn king to bless me with a fun summer. Give my friends pictures of our butts 5/8 Whats your idea of a "good day"? A day when my sisters behave. A day when I finally conquer the world. A day that I get to go to Unicorn Land A rainy day. Butt -Tehehe! 6/8 How old are you? 4-6 and loves unicorns!! 6-8 9-12 16-20 40-50 Not present/ I don't know 7/8 Whats your favourite Colour? Blue Pink Brown Black Orange Yellow 8/8 If you had to bring one thing with you to a desert island, what would you bring? A Unicorn Stuffy My cell phone so i could text my friends/family. SHRINK RAY!!!! Whatever I could find. A worm or something. My Wii, PSP, and/or nintendo My butt photocopies