Which Reality TV Star Are You?

Which Reality TV Star Are You?

Find out which reality TV star matches your personality! Take this quiz to find out!

published on October 19, 2023

What is your favorite type of reality TV show?

What is your favorite type of reality TV show?
Adventure/survival show
Real Housewives-style drama
Competition show
Dating show

How do you handle conflicts in your relationships?

How do you handle conflicts in your relationships?
Take a step back and assess the situation
Avoid conflict at all costs
Confront the issue head-on
Deflect and redirect the conversation

How important is fame to you?

How important is fame to you?
Being famous is everything
Fame doesn't interest me at all
I value my privacy more
I enjoy the attention, but it's not my main goal

How do you handle criticism?

How do you handle criticism?
Ignore it and move on
Let it affect you emotionally
Use it to learn and grow
Get defensive and fight back

What is your preferred method of communication?

What is your preferred method of communication?
In person, face-to-face
Through written messages or emails
Via phone calls or video chats
Through social media

How do you like to spend your free time?

How do you like to spend your free time?
Relaxing and enjoying solitude
Working on personal projects
Partying and socializing
Exploring new places and trying new things

What is your fashion style?

High-end designer labels
Classic and timeless looks
Casual and comfortable
Bold and attention-grabbing outfits

How do you handle setbacks and failures?

How do you handle setbacks and failures?
Analyze the situation and strategize a new plan
Bounce back quickly and keep moving forward
Take time to process and recover
Get angry and give up easily

How would you describe your sense of humor?

How would you describe your sense of humor?
Slapstick and goofy
Witty and quick
Sarcastic and dry
Subtle and clever

How do you make decisions?

How do you make decisions?
Consider all the options and weigh the pros and cons
Seek advice and opinions from others
Follow your intuition and gut feelings
Trust your own expertise and knowledge

What role do you usually play in a group of friends?

What role do you usually play in a group of friends?
The life of the party
The observer and listener
The leader and decision-maker
The peacemaker and mediator