What do the Teen Titans think of you? See what the Teen Titans think of you! Sorry if you dislike your results but at least i tried to make the quiz not to boring Felicia published on August 10, 2017 Stacked 1/6 What is your favorite color? Blue Purple Red Silver Green 2/6 Pick a word Prank Book.... Car Cape Star! 3/6 Pick a hobby Reading Fighting Playing on the computer/Watching Tv Being around friends! Taking care of animals 4/6 Which of these is most like your personality? Calm,Serious,Stubborn Hyper,Loud,Happy Loud,Funny,Happy Serious,Calm,Clever Calm,Serious,Loyal 5/6 Pick a few words Azarath.... Metrion.... ZINTHOS! BOO YA!! Dude i like tofu!! Titans go! Friends! Let us not fight! 6/6 Pick a quote Blue's still my favorite color, and don't get used to this smile, cause you're still not funny. Um, he's coming over here. I really don't like that he's coming over here! We are your friends, Robin. We're not leaving without you. You want to yell at me, too? Everyone else has, and I don't blame them. So who's the bad guy for the day? Gizmo, Mad Mod, Killer Moth?