What character of the mane six are you? Are you Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, or Rarity? lunar_fox published on July 01, 2013 Stacked 1/6 Are you a hard worker? You bet I am! Meh. Of course! Sure. It depends who it's for... Definitely. 2/6 What is your favourite subject in grade school? Arts and crafts P.E, or anything in that area. I sure like lunch... Recess!! Boy, you get to talk to your friends and have fun and everything! Um... I don't really like school. If it I'm good at it, I'm up for it. 3/6 What's your favourite type of book or movie? Romantic ones Action! Pew pew! I don't really watch movies. Comedy! Adventure. Um... I don't really watch movies that much. The ones I watch are kind of sad, though. 4/6 Out of these animals, which is your favourite. An owl. A hawk! A cat. A bunny or a rabbit. A dog. An amphibian! 5/6 If a friend was in trouble and you were in the middle of a huge competition to meet-maybe- the Wonderbolts, what would you do? Ergh.. erm... ugh... I guess I'll have to help. This is the worst.. possible thing! Oh no... no, this can't be happening. Ugh, I guess I have to go help my friend.. What are you talking about? I don't wanna meet any Wonderbolts, I'm too busy helping my friend! Oooooh! They sure messed with the wrroooong pony! Oh dear.. I better go confront-I mean, maybe compromise with whoever did wrong. Oh no! I better go now... augh, hesitation.. 6/6 What's your favourite drink? Tea. Power drinks! Just water. I really like lemonade. Fruit punch, he he! Anything that's at a party! I sure do like apples. Apple cider, apple juice... apples.