inner monster find out your inner monster in this quiz....have fun and comment on the quiz!!!! memow123 published on July 02, 2013 Stacked 1/7 favorite color red yellow pink blue green purple neon orange black gray tan white 2/7 how old are you 8 under 9 10 11 12 13 up 3/7 how much do you like soccer soccer is my life!!!! awesome like it so and so not my sport hate it 4/7 favorate tv channel discovery cannel teennick diney xd cartooon network diney nicklodeon 5/7 what your hobbie sports many hobbies i dont have one school troblemaker 6/7 favorite cat!!!! simise russian blue persian burmese snowshoe burmilla 7/7 why dont you pick...but it still dentermineds on the quiz zombie vampire loch ness monster mummy demon minotaur