What Warrior Cats Villain are You? From books 1-12 and a few super editions. Reveal your Dark Forest side. Muahaha! See you in the Dark Forest, StarClan enemy! T3R3Z1 published on July 16, 2013 Stacked 1/12 What colour are you? (Pelt and eyes) Dark brown tabby tom with a scar on my nose, long claws and a split ear and amber eyes! Sleek amber-eyes grey tom with black stripes! I am white with ginger and black splotches, amber eyes and yellow teeth because I am not a clean kitty! I am small, black with one white paw and a purple collar studded with dog teeth! I am a dark brown tabby with ice-blue eyes and a white underbelly. Mottled and ragged amber-eyes dark tabby. Either a brown tabby with a shred tail or a long-furred silver tabby with blue eyes Blind amber-eyed dark brown tabby tom! 2/12 There's a dead rabbit by a pool. Your leader is about to drink from a puddle nearby. What do you do? Tell him the water here is fresher and quickle stand over the rabbit. Just kill the drinking cat. Easy! Say 'I will drink from this' loudly and when the leader runs to help you splash lots of the water in his mouth! Tigerstar would be pleased if I's force him to drink here :) Mah. I just take out the rabbit and feed it to my leader. Just sit and look charming. Just kill the leader. Blame him for drinking from the stream and that he clawed himself from pain! Hide the rabbit, lap up some water (wich I later spit) and tell him it's fresher! I prefer to shed blood, not use smart-ish plans! 3/12 Who is your worse enemy and why? Bluestar, she gave up her kits to become deputy so I couldn't -_- Brambleclaw. I only tried to make him leader by trying to kill Firestar but instead he killed ME Anyone who's done harm to Tigerstar! Onestar! He shouldn't be leader, I should! I am better than him! Crookedstar! He is kin of my ex-mate who had done so much harm to me and my kits would be leaders instead of him! Firestar! My own half-brother killed me to save the Clans! Yellowfang! My own mother who lied so much to me and then killed me and made me blind! Anyone who failed me to overcome their leader! Firestar! This kittypet ruined my chance to kill Bluestar and become leader! 4/12 You are in a fight (RiverClan vs. ThunderClan) and the deputy cannot swim because he/she is pinned down by an ememy (Your deputy). Do not help the cat. I will just become deputy! Meh, Kill both, Easy! I am busy taking on 5 other warriors right now!!! Hey! I throw off the enemy and pin down the deputy myself! Great! My job done for me! I think I should fetch Tigerstar to kill them! I save my deputy to charm the leader. I am really busy showing an apprentice the killing move right now! Drown the deputy and then join the enemy Clan. 5/12 What do you do when you're at the gathering? Stay close to Tigerstar and make sure he's OK and stand up for his reputation! Be charming and smart and plot with my brother alone! Mainly be charming yet fierce and challenge other Clans! FIGHT! Announce how dangerous we can get and ask for hunting rights at other Clan's territories! Hint that our Clan is very strong and finally reveal the Clans I am going to fight for control! Pah! Wish I was in Onestar's place -__- Wander around and try to find other evil cats to plot with! 6/12 You are on a walk alone in the woods. A few apprentices have come with you though. They are secretly spying on you and find out you are plotting with another cat. Scallywags again? Kill! Tell them it's only fro the good of the Clan and trick them into helping you. I will kill them with deathberries! No need to get hasty. I will remember them in the nearest battle. Train them to be evil too! Now we have an evil bunch! Hurt them terribly! Then jump into thorns and tell you were protecting them from a badger! Maybe a little evil training would do them good XD I will take them out on a 'Killing' Training Session! Spread rumours again! Best way! 7/12 You are fighting in battle (ShaodwClan vs. WindClan) and you have YOUR leader pinned down in a safe tuckd away corner but their deputy is watching you. Get off the leader and say you were thrown on top of her and mistook her for an ememy. Lunge for the deputy, leater tell your leader you were only trying to confuse the enemies. Kill her! Everyone knows I'm evil! Then fight the deputy! He should stay quiet anyways! I didn't even pin down the leader! I lunge for the cheeky deputy! Interesting... I kill the leader and later promise the deputy great things if he stays quiet! Kill the leader! Tigerstar would be so pleased!!! I don't waste my time for this! I will plot against them later. I fight 3 enemy warriors! I get my evil friend to kill the deputy, I take care of the leader! Just kill both and have it over with. I am leaderish enough. This quiz is stupid! 8/12 You have an apprentice who knows you're evil. He's afraid to tell but one cat seems to try to get him to speak and your secret is in danger... Kill both little scallywags! None of their buisness. Take them out on a training session XD (You know, the one with blood and killing) Claver little cats. Lie that they are other Clan spies and spread fowl romours about them! Promise them great things if they won't tell! Ask Tigerstar what he'd do! He is my bestest hero in all the Clan!!! No need to waste breath. Start training them in YOUR way! Too bad. They'll be exiled when I become leader! No need to worry, I've got a tasty treat for them (Deathberries) 9/12 Snakerocks. Alone. Deputy dead. Popular warrior nearby. Adder nearby. Shout to make the adder lunge for him! Step on a twig to alert the adder! I just have to push him so he makes a sudden movement! Just kill him! You're alone here! Yowl! I must get this adder to bite him! Just kill that stupid cat! Warn him, kill the adder and charm your leader! Be loud so Tigerstar will become deputy when the adder gets him! I will just kill that cat, no harm done there! 10/12 Oh! Perfect! You see a young apprentice who is wandering around the Dark Forest! Good. I lure him right into the training groud, pretending he is so good StarClan has come to share fighting moves with him! Promise him great stuff OVER ALL esle and tell him he must train hard to achieve it Tell him you have come to train him so he can be a better warrior and show him brutal moves. I walk different unknown skies. Tell him he must train or die and punish him if he tells his Clan. It's only my sons. They have come so I can train them how to rule all Clans. Stupid little cat. Prepare for your last training kitty. XD I must lead him to Tigerstar! He's the best! Seem charming and make a killing machine out of the puny cat. 11/12 You're on hunting patrol. You are alone with the deputy and see deathberries nearby. The deputy seems hungry... Oooh! I will stuff it down his stupid throat! I don't waste my time on berries. I just kill him and blame a badger -__- XD Stuff them into a mouse and coax him to eat it! I think I just stuff it down his throat. Tigerstar would make me deputy! Catch his fave prey, than throw a few berries in it and make him go hungry talking about prey! No. I prefer to just kill. Why should I bother anyways? I just kill him. Seriously? Kill! Meh. Another time. I have to charm my leader first. 12/12 You are in a fight with two foxes. The deputy died today and it's nearly moonhight. The most popular warrior is with you. Meh. Climb a tree scratching the warrior on my way so the foxes wil taste his blood and leave him alone! Now I finally have a good reason to blame some animal! Lol I just killed him! After the fight when he's weak I will finish him off! No need to waste time now! Take on both foxes and become deputy! Meh. I don't care. I'm busy plotting now! Good good! I will kill that cat! I'm sure Tigerstar would be pleased when he'd find out I killed him! :) Take on the foxes, do not let the warrior get hurt, say you took on both ALONE and charm the leader!