What kind of person are you? (11) This little mini-quiz was inspired by my 2 favorite Q-feast quiz creators: Wackymay and Alwaysthebest! Enjoy! MochaShakeGal published on June 11, 2013 Stacked 1/6 Lights out! Before crawling into bed you: Do some stretches and relax Send one last text Doodle in your journal 2/6 What Austrailian Outback Animal is your favorite? Koala Kangaroo Wombat 3/6 G'day! What would you do on a dream trip to Austrailia? See a performance at the Sydney Opera House Hit the beach Explore a city and meet new people 4/6 Bonjour! If you spoke a second language fluently, how many people would know? Everyone would know Only your best friend Some friends, some family 5/6 Flash forward! In 20 years you'll be famous because you: Wrote a best-selling mystery Are a popular singer/songwriter Are running a big company 6/6 Woo-hoo! Summer break is here. You'll probably: Have a sleepover with a bunch of friends Redo your room Hang out and see what comes up