Hero? Villain? This is a quiz to determine whether you have a hero personality or more of a hero personality. I hope you like your results. Please, comment! faffles123 published on June 11, 2013 Stacked 1/10 What do you want to be when you grow up? Boom operator! BOOM! A doctor. A Wrestler. I think it would be nice to work in the army. Other 2/10 Are you usually busy on the weekends? Yes- with making explosives and other items. Yes- Hanging out with my friends. 3/10 Is your room clean? Yes- There is some items here and there laying around but its pretty spotless. No- I can't see the ground. Yes- it's completely spotless, not a crumb on the ground. 4/10 Whats your favorite type of music. Pop. Heavy Metal Other. 5/10 Whats your favorite color? Black Blue, or other. 6/10 How many friends do you have? Too many. Does my fish count? 1-10. 7/10 What do you do with your old clothes? Burn 'em. Give them to good will. 8/10 What are you favorite types of clothes? A black lab coat. Something casual, a sundress or blue jeans. 9/10 What do you like to do if you have a few hours to burn before doing something or going somewhere? Play a board game with someone and WIN. Help out with things that need to be done in the community. 10/10 When was the last time you took a shower? Yesterday A week ago.