What pet would you like best? What to know what pet would suit you best? Play this test to find out! If you liked this test please follow sadie8111 on qfeast! sadie8111 published on June 08, 2013 Stacked 1/6 Would you like to clean a cage, back yard, or a litter box? Small cage. Backyard. Just a cage. Litter box. 2/6 Would you like a cute pet? yes! Sooo cute! Cute cute! I want a cute pet! I want a really cute pet! 3/6 Do you want a playful pet? No Sooo playful! Sometimes Yes! 4/6 Do you like small, big or normal sized pets? So small! Big! Just small. Normal sized. 5/6 Do you like loud or quiet pets? So quiet! Loud. Quiet. Loud and quiet. 6/6 What pet would you like best? Hamster Puppy Bunny Cat