A Normal Quiz This is a normal quiz , not a ' crazy ' quiz try it out and have fun ! reachel published on June 09, 2013 Stacked 1/6 Jane woke up at 8:15 and school started at 9:00 do you think she will be late ...? yes no 2/6 Who won 2013 eurovioson ? Denmark Romania 3/6 2+2=4+4=8+8=16+16=32+32=64 so then 64 + 64 = 128 234 4/6 If i was at a party and i had 50 c in my pocets how many do i need to make 1 euro ? 50c 80c 5/6 I saw a toy in the shop and it costed $5 and i had $4 who may do i needed to make $5 $1 $1 and half 6/6 What is the capital of siberia? The capital of Siberia is the city of Novosibirsk the capital of siberia is the city Novoisisiskkk