Sophie's Personality Quiz!

Sophie's Personality Quiz!

Curios what your personality is? Well (I sound like a salesmen) Take this quiz to find out if you're Nice, Sassy, Mean, Sweet, Fun, Bubbly, Creative, etc. (: Yes I know that is pikachu I don't know what else to put...

published on June 04, 2013

If someone wanted to become friends with you what would you do?

Say No because they aren't good enough for you.
Sure! And become great friends with them
"Uhm.... yeah... um... okay.."

What would you do if you're friend asked you to hang out with her new friends?

Say no because you're shy..
Say no because you're her only friend and she can't be
friends with anyone else.
Say no thanks and make an awkward face.

How do you spend your weekends?

With the popular group of fab girls.
With you're friends and family..
Sitting at home on your computer eating food.

What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Boyfriend: A athlete that is popular.
Girlfriend: A beauty queen.
Boyfriend: Someone sweet and romantic.
Girlfriend: Some girl nice that will go with me to concerts and movies.
Boyfriend: wHAT boyfriend?
Girlfriend: wHaT bOyFrIeNd?

What outfit do you normally wear?

Skirts, Dresses, sparkly stuff, or anything in style for the day.
Shorts and a shirt or jeans.. Depends on the weather.
Anything comfortable.... Yay.