What celebrity are you? (6) This is a test to see what celebrity your most alike with. Chances are, whoever you pick, would like to meet you! Hope you like your results. faffles123 published on October 30, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Favorite color? purple pink other ANYTHING BRIGHT! 2/5 What is your favorite animal? Horses Dogs Something else bears:) 3/5 Favorite possesion? My animals:) My music My iphone My eos 4/5 What do you do on friday nights? Well i hang out with my boyfriend/girlfriend :) I like to find different things i can be good at! Hanging out with my crowd of buds, and playing on my phone as usual;) whatever i want 5/5 Your favorite quote? your gonna hear me ROAR! Wouldnt life be better if we all would just chill a little <3 As long as you love me Forget the haters cuz somebody loves ya <3 <3