Dog or Cat? This is a quiz to determine whether you have a cat personality or a dog personality. Hope you like your result! faffles123 published on June 02, 2013 Stacked 1/10 Do your parents ever annoy you? Nope. Not once. I love them;). YES. Especially when they don't give me food EXACTLY at dinnertime. 2/10 When sports are on, are you... Part of it! Watching it. Neither- I HATE sports. 3/10 Would you rather be a cat, or a dog? Dog CAT. 4/10 When your friends are get bullied do you... Stand up for them. Ignore it, and walk away. 5/10 When was the last time you've taken a shower? Yesterday. 5 days ago. 6/10 Do you like hanging out with people? Yes, I have lots of friends! No. Not one. 7/10 Are you good at catching things? Yes! I'm in football, basketball, and baseball! No. I'm good at catching a few hours of sleep though. 8/10 Do you like meat? Its my FAVORITE food. I'm a vegetarian. 9/10 What time did you wake up this morning? About 5:30- 6:00. Quarter past noon. 10/10 What do your summers look like? Playing outdoors with friends- and swimming! I usually stay indoors and play video games.