What is your personality? (1) This quiz will give a description of your personality. If your mean or if your nice. Try it! What do you have to lose? nrosejohns published on May 07, 2011 Stacked 1/5 Do you like to be around your friends when you are feeling sad? Yes No Depends on the situation 2/5 If someone says something mean to you do you.... say something equally mean back? ignore it and keep walking with your head held high? hit them? other? 3/5 The most important thing in your life is... family, religion, friends, intelligence being alone, being mean to people to feel pleasure 4/5 How do you react when you see someone being bullied? tell the bully to stop hit the bully and then tell them to stop completely ignore what's going on help the bully beat up the victim 5/5 Your favorite way to relax is... watch a movie and eat some popcorn with a friend completely shut yourself out from your friends and family other