How brave are you ?? How brave are you on a scale of 1-10 1 being pussy 10 being dare devil. kikizoey4me published on May 30, 2013 Stacked 1/7 There's a fire in your school and your best friend is trapped in the class room you, Yell there name and hope for a reply. Then carefully try to save them. Save your self !!! BURST through the door and save them, risking your own life for theirs. 2/7 You are offed a chance to sky dive you, YES, I've ALWAYS wanted to go !!! No, I'm good Maybe 3/7 Your friend is going on a roller coaster that goes upside down and has a 340 foot drop and goes 70 miles per hour. you ,? Um no thanks, I'm good Um, Sure ARE YOU KIDDING,YES!!! I WOULD BE THE ONE DRAGGING MY FRIENDS ON. 4/7 You split your arm rollerblading/skating and need stitches you, COOL, I'M AWESOME CRY Stay calm and get help 5/7 You go on vacation and go snorkeling, you see a small two foot shark you, Try to touch it SWIM AWAY, SWIM AWAY Calmly swim away 6/7 Your friend makes a bike jump that is about two feet tall you. Watch GO DOWN IT FULL SPEED Go down it slowly 7/7 BIG HARRY SPIDER!!! RUN!!!! What ever COOL