WHAT HOSTILE MOB FROM MINECRAFT ARE YOU 2 (1) IT'S HERE!!!! Are you a tough blaze or a protective iron golem? Find out today! thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere published on May 26, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Do you give gifts to your friends? Only on certain days like Christmas or their birthday I'm not that popular really I don't have friends Yes all the time! Yes Yeah sometimes 2/5 What is your favorite colour? Green Silver White Black Rose Red Orange 3/5 What is the first thing you do when you wake up in Minecraft? Go to the Nether Bounce around! Yaaay! Gather my friends and get them to help me chase a player Practice using a bow and arrow on some pigs Hide Visit a village and help the villagers 4/5 What is your favorite place in Minecraft Underground Dungeons Anywhere at night My house Villages The Nether 5/5 Pick an element! Metal! Fire! Goo! Darkness! Water! Earth!