frriends and jls xx who my best friends xxx and would love people to help ancer some questans xxx chloehodkinson123lovesaston published on May 15, 2013 Stacked 1/10 favrit colour orange red pink blue 2/10 favrit band jls one direction the wanted 3/10 favrit food cheese pasta pizza sterfry fruit and vegetables 4/10 favrit soap coronation street and holly okes eastenders and emedail coronation street and eastenders 5/10 favrit holiday place Cornwall skeggy short ferry 6/10 person i hate Vivienne Paige 7/10 favrit nephew Aston Aron Preston 8/10 favrit cuzzen Cody Laura no idea 9/10 were do i live 109 bria close 74 satlyfood road 108 satlyfood road have no idea 10/10 favrit animal dog hamster