which one out of my m8's r u most like? HI ih asi skdmlkj asfksnflifewinu ianf f id blf u bdb s fe lb fub asd bfu merpaderp published on May 03, 2013 Stacked 1/10 who's the fittest in your opinion based on the things you have answered? the charming and INCREDIBLY HANDSOME stuart Josh the BMXer Sarthak the dancer Tom the exotic one Alex the gamer Jordan the lanky one Curtis the rat boy James the serious one 2/10 when ur m8 is getting bullied what do you do? punch the guy in the face -_- to busy being a mong XP calm them down after and do the best you can to stop it tell them to **** off chill out behind the crowd be a good friend but too scared to fight walk away and confront them after im no where near the fight 3/10 do you has SWAG? 9000 what? oh sorry im watchng power rangers. 10/10 <-- swag king 8.5/10 <--- swag joker 9/10 <--- fresh prince of swag 6billion <--- swag god 6trillion <--- swag god 5/10 <--- swag peasant 4/10 what music do you like? HEAVY METAL RAWR!!! cartoon theme songs (especially GO GO POWER RANGERS!!!) pop soundtracks from games (FFX) soft rock (green day/GnR) rap THRIFT SHOP! any anything new and down with the cool kids 5/10 favourite food? angus burger cant...talk...eating... anything spicy anything italian pizza burgers in general fish n chips chinese 6/10 if you was a superhero what would your catchphrase be? "you wanna die? ask once" "go go power ranger!!!" "you can't handle the swag" "now thats what i call....one spicy meatball" "dont blink...you'll miss it" "go die" "RATMEN HOOOO "COME AT ME YOU? NO YOU COME AT ME" 7/10 what is your favourite colour? green hot pink too swag for colour blue black/red&white im a swag god colour favourites me anything that looks like a rat purple 8/10 what kind of clothes do you wear? casual BMX black widow costume chino's & tight shirts baggy necks and chinos skinny jeans and flannels hoodies and jeans casual T's chinos and hoodie (adidas/superdry) 9/10 what haircut do you like the most? flat mohawk messy bedhair crop top comeover short emo flap emo justin bieber haircut short medium come over 10/10 what is your favourite film? dark knight 2 mighty morphin power rangers the movie step up 2 lady & the tramp iron man 3 green street ratatoulli bugsy malone