which DC character are you?!? this decides if you r good, evil, awesome or just the same old batman joker thing merpaderp published on May 03, 2013 Stacked 1/7 what weapon would you use? your special own made ones katana/guns explosions!!! your fists your nails and wipe your athleticism and speed your hidden powers your technology and clevernis 2/7 favourite colour? orange and black purple/green blue & red black bright colours!!! green purple and green black and grey 3/7 what would your cathphrase be? "time to join the party" "it's simple... kill the batman" "LEX LUTHOOOORRR!!!" "meow" "try and keep up" "BEWARE MY POWER" "SUPERMAAAAN" "i'm the batman" <--- (guess who) 4/7 where would your secret hideout be? a warehouse & the streets of metropolis a fair ground an ice palace a flat a city a space station watching over earth a secret lair with built in labrotory a cave 5/7 are you crazy? only when i don't get my payment ALL THE TIME JAIUDLFWWIDWD O_O when the one's i love get hurt if i don't get anything pretty to wear maybe if i hit my head into a wall only if i lose my ring (gollum) only if HE escapes when evil wins 6/7 what costume would you wear? one that represents your name a militia/baloklava a nice snazzy suit ;P your underwear tight latex O_O bright colours that look like lightning green latex armor with kriptonite implanted 7/7 who is your side-kick? a circus reject your weapons your goons the people of metropolis your kitty cats your running shoes a whole corp your henchmen