What character from lps popular are you? this quiz tells you what character you are its just for fun remember!?! =) XXXbatmanXXX published on May 03, 2013 Stacked 1/5 looks at self in mirror... hi there beautiful hey.. hey what are you looking at? oh hi doesnt say anything) omd whos that hi there oh um hey there 2/5 last question lol...this girl says you are ugly how dare you.. look at your self in mirrior =P oh um didn't no that huh ignores im not in to that stuff so insult me all u want omd meanie ok so im not ugly! what ever 3/5 this dog says hi wanna be friends?you say umm how about ...NO!! uh I don't no lets have lunch at the cafeteria together and talk there um maybe? ok wanna come over my kennel? yes umm so.. um YEAH! I guess so 4/5 you wake up mom says TIME FOR SCHOOL! you say seriously mom I need my beauty sleep! yay!!! ok mom im up mum I am already up mum I forget to do my home work so im doing it now yeah mom sure what outfit should I wear? OMD! sure mom I cant wait! yeah I like school 5/5 new girl alert! oh um rach Alicia is she prettier than me? um thinks for a minute what was I doing? wow she looks nice! walks up to her) hi need some help? asks her if she is a fashionista? HI what is your name? doesn't care has a girl friend