How do you flirt with boys find out how you with boys! are shy, confident, or youre just regular? find out whats your flirting style! princesspunk89 published on May 03, 2013 Stacked 1/5 what is your special make up powder lipstick eye lashes perfume 2/5 asks you out on a date you dont what where he's taking you what do you wear some skinny jeans and a snapback i might wear a skirt dress but it has to be a fancy color I FREAK out! then i call my friends on what to wear as long as i have my phone 3/5 do pick up lines work on you nah of course! i just run away i like boys who be their self 4/5 what would be your perfect date a double date in a picnic with my friend so she can help me when my date gets bored ride on a roller coaster and were holding each others hands! go skating with other dudes somewhere with reception 5/5 when he says youre cute what do you say nothing i just laugh nervousley wow LOL! thanks i think youre cute what eves