A little look at latent lodging longings Take at your own risk. Side effects include but are not limited to: confusion, outrage, dizziness and intense apathy. Please consult your doctor for more information. staceymarie published on May 01, 2013 Stacked 1/9 How do you feel about this house? It is pretty. Get rid of it. I don't feel. I'm secretly a robot. 2/9 Would you live in this house? Absolutely. Not at all. I'm indecisive and need a middle ground. 3/9 Is this a nice house? No, it is a yucky house. I neither like it nor dislike it. Deal with it. Sure. 4/9 How about this house? I don't like it, leave me alone... It is okay I suppose. I love it! 5/9 And this one? I feel conflicted. Oh my god, that is amazing. No. Just no. No. 6/9 You know the drill. I'd rather live in a giant fluffy duck. It is mine. I don't want it. 7/9 Would you want this house? Yessssir. No. If you're giving for free, I wouldn't say no... 8/9 What do you think of this? It isn't bad. Love it. Hate it. 9/9 Tell me what you want, what you really really want. Not that. I'll take it. I'm on the fence. Can you get me down?