Which diva are you in wwe love to watch divas in wwe find out which diva you are! are you a tough one a sweet one find out! princesspunk89 published on May 01, 2013 Stacked 1/5 whos your2 tag team partner eve and alicia fox trish and mickie i dont need one ashley and mickie maybe natalya 2/5 What is your finsher what do you do to bring down your oppenents? what would you use to to win alot? Star Struck Glam slam shining wizard stratusfaction K2 Chick Kick 3/5 whos your rival? Melina Michelle Mccool Kaitlyn Lita Beth Phoenix 4/5 What clothes do you wear plaid skirt with high crop top light colors pants and a headband everything plaid pants boots and tank top 5/5 whos your guy two body gaurds dolph ziggler, cm punk, john cena, daniel bryan, and more! two tag team champs santino