What is your personality? (13) Find out what your personality is. Are you sporty? Are you girly? Are you nerdy? Are you teacher's pet? tald14 published on April 29, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Who is your role model? Albert Einstein Selena Gomez and Bella Thorne James L'Bron 2/5 How does your room look like? A desk w/ drawers and a big drawer for my laptop, and a bulitnen board full of school reminders and papers. You can barely see the floor! My room is full of old balls, sport certificates, track and field ribbons. All you can really see is my basketball themed bed a... There is a full length mirror on the door, a special drawer for all my makeup, a well organized walk in closet and the walls are covered with celebrity poste... 3/5 What afterschool classes do you take? Hip hop on Wednesdays and Singing lessons on Tuesdays. Basketball on Thursdays Nothing. Too busy with homework. 4/5 What would be something you would wear if you were to go to a basketball game? A pair of basketball shorts and my basketball jersey if it were hot, and a spongebob T-shirt and jeans if it were cold. A white silk short sleeved blouse with a plaid mini skirt to match if it were hot. And if it were cold, a knitted sweater with the word basketball gurl print... A cute tank top and shorts if it were hot or a long sleeved sparkle shirt and scarf and skinny jeans. 5/5 What would you do if you were at home and bored? Invite my best friend over to practice our dance steps/ singing. Take my dog out for a walk and bring a soccer ball with me. Stay home and work on my math.