which Malcolm in the middle character are you most like?

which Malcolm in the middle character are you most like?

Malcolm in the middle was a comedy TV show that ran from 2000-2006. Find out which Malcolm in the middle character you are most like. To learn more about the show visit malcolminthemiddle.co.uk

published on April 27, 2013

what was your best Christmas present

what was your best Christmas present
a microscope
I've never got a good Christmas present
boxing gloves.

have you ever been beaten (as in beaten up) ?

have you ever been beaten (as in beaten up) ?
once or twice.
many times
no, but I've beat lots of people

do you like your life?

do you like your life?
can you ask me an easier question, please?
it's OK I suppose
no. I am bullied and tormented and no one even cares.

what's your favourite colour?

what's your favourite colour?
I don't know
uuuuh.... red I guess. Maybe blue.

describe yourself in as few words as possible

describe yourself in as few words as possible
smart, intelligent, popular, modest, me
strong, muscular, great
apple, orange, banana, cat, dog, mouse E=MC^2