Which Of Mice And Men Character Are YOU?

Which Of Mice And Men Character Are YOU?

Everyone that's been through high school knows the characters in the classic book, Of Mice and Men, but do you know which character YOU are? Find out in this personality quiz!

published on April 26, 2013

What do you do in your spare time?

Flirt with people!
Pet and cuddle with fuzzy animals.
Pick a fight with someone.
Complain about how much easier life would be without big responsibilities.

You find out your best friend and significant other like each other, what do you do?

I would break up with him/her, I've got to focus on my future anyways.
I would let him have her, I don't need a girlfriend/boyfriend as long as I've got animals!
Wait... I have a best friend?!

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?


You're stuck on a deserted island, and you can take two things. What would you bring?

You're stuck on a deserted island, and you can take two things. What would you bring?
I would bring my favorite red shoes and a friend so I wouldn't be lonely
I would bring a can of beans and a gun for protection.
I would bring two rabbits!
I would only bring my girlfriend/boyfriend and make sure no one steals her/him away from me!

If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live and why?

I would live in Hollywood so I could become a movie star.
I would live anywhere my best friend lives so I could take care of him/her and he/she could take care of me.
I would live somewhere that has tons of acres of land and some livestock.
I would live somewhere that doesn't have a lot men/women that my girlfriend/boyfriend could cheat on me with.

What do you think is the best way to handle an argument?

Fist fight!
Make the other person feel inferior to me, so I can feel better about myself.
Wait for someone to tell me what I should do because arguing makes me nervous!
I just argue until I get what I want.