What fish are you? (1) What kind of fish are you like? Just answer these easy and fun questions to find out! See if you are like a guppy, shark, and much, much more! Dolphingirl28 published on April 13, 2013 Stacked 1/6 How would your friends describe you? Always ready to help Always making people laugh Always making sure everyone is happy Chatty, in a good way Go with the flow Chill 2/6 What game plan would you go with? See how it goes and play it by ear Just having fun, it doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as it was fun Teamwork You don't really like sports that much, you would rather sit and watch Communication with the team Just start playing with out a plan 3/6 Where would you go? Caribbean Florida Snorkeling over a coral reef Anywhere as long as you can dance Anywhere tropical Somewhere calm and relaxing 4/6 What activity do you prefer? Chilling and relaxing with your friends Running around with your friends Dancing Chatting with people Helping your friends Being alone and thinking 5/6 how would you describe yourself? Funny Perky Kind Friendly Active Calm 6/6 What sounds best? Sleeping all day Dancing with your friends Being somewhere new with a lot of new people Helping people and the community Going for a walk in a big, open field Having fun with your friends